Commonplace logobeta

Keep track of your
books all in one space.

Commonplace automatically builds a smart library for everything you learn.
Track books, articles, podcasts, and more, all in one unified space. Effortlessly share your insights with others and explore collections of people you follow.

Features 01

A smart library for anything you read

All of your favourite newsletters, books, podcasts, and videos. All-in-one place, automatically categorized for you

  • Keep track of your favourite authors, topics, and ideas
  • Auto-categorized based on your reading habits
  • Make curated lists based on your interests
Features 02

Find what's popular with your friends

Content is best consumed with others. Discover from your friends' libraries, and discuss right on the content itself

  • Universal commenting system across the web
  • Comment privately, selectively with others, or openly
  • Share any recommendation to friends directly in one-click
Features 03

A better way to learn

With the Commonplace extension, every piece of content compounds over time. As your explore the web, get summaries and understand concepts in the context of what you are reading and your previous knowledge

  • Instant summaries available before you read anything
  • Have any concept explained by the author themselves
  • Build your personal knowledge assistant anytime you add to your library

With even more powers on the way!

Take a peek at what our private beta users are testing today. Join our discord to get early access

Personalized discovery feed

Personalized discovery feed

No more time spent searching through your bookmarks, or reloading personal blogs for new content. Commonplace will automatically fetch the best content for you, based on your favourite creators and topics.

AI-based search demonstration

Save notes from your physical books

There's no need to manually transcribe your notes from physical books. Snap a picture, and annotate and store digitally in seconds.

AI-based search demonstration

AI-based search

Search you and your friends' libraries in seconds, simply by asking what you want to know.

Discuss your thoughts anywhere across the web

Share your thoughts on any part of a website, and discuss asynchronously with your friends, colleagues, or community.

Group-based sharing and discussions on the web

Whether its at your book club or company, take friends and colleagues anywhere on the web to start a discussion.